Plasma therapy

Plasma therapy
Plasma Therapy is a safe and effective intervention in which the patient's platelet-rich plasma is injected, thus stimulating the body's regenerative processes.

What kind of problems does plasma therapy solve?

• prevents aging,
• rehabilitation therapy (after being under the sun, after aggressive cosmetological procedures, plastic surgery),
• skin affected by stress (living in a metropolis, chronic stress, harmful habits, •nocturnal lifestyle, taking certain medications, decreased immunity),
• loose  skin after diets, fast, drastic weight loss,
• uneven pigmentation,
• skin dryness,
• acne and post-acne

Plasmolifting is contraindicated in the following situations:

• chronic diseases of internal organs, which lead to disruption of the functions of these organs,
• diseases of the immune system,
• severe forms of diabetes
• blood coagulability disorders and taking anticoagulants,
• exacerbations of chronic diseases,
• infectious diseases at any stage,
• mental illnesses,
• pregnancy, lactation,
• inflammatory phenomena on the skin to be treated.


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